Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Final thoughts from Cradle to Cradle

I have at last finished reading Cradle to Cradle and would like to share these quotes :

"Design is based on the attempt to fulfill human needs in an evolving technical and cultural context . We begin by applying the active positive list to existing things , then to things that are only beginning to be imagined , or have not yet been conceived. When we optimize we open our imaginations to radically new possibilities . We ask : What is the customers need , how is the culture evolving and how can these purposes be met by appealing and different kinds of products or services. "(p180/181)
"Ask :How can we support and perpetuate the rights of all living things to share in a world of abundance ? How can we love the children of all species -not just our own- for all time? Imagine what a world of prosperity and health in the future will look like , and begin designing for it right now . What would it mean to become ,once again , native to this place , the Earth- the home of all our relations ? This is going to take us all , and it is going to take for ever . But then thta's the point . "
(Donoghue W., Braungart M., Cradle to Cradle ,2002 New York , North Point Press .

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