Tuesday 29 April 2008

Alistair Fuad Luke of Slow Lab

A talk by Alistair for Slow Lab at Wood lane last night followed up by my attending a workshop with other MA students and some BA this morning. The slow lab approach is very much in my own sphere as I always feel `I take too much time developing an idea
and that I should work faster . It is a relief to be given permission to do this and to hear other people reiterating this as their own experience ."Without reflection their is no consciousness , without consciousness there is no progress. "
He made references to Charles Jenks and posr modernisem and the idea of cyclic and linear time ,
The workshop involved group work redesigning a plastic milk bottle with ideas for use beyond the initial one . I will publish the results on the blog when I get them .He gave us an a to z of sustainable design .( see part below)

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