Tuesday 8 January 2008

Cabinet "Shadows"

Continuing on the theme of shadows and silhouettes I followed a suggestion by Lizzie to look at the "Shadows"(issue 24) edition of Cabinet a quarterly journal on Art and Culture I extracted the following references 
Plato on discussing the origin of knowledge states that you have to renounce the world of shadows before you can proceed to true understanding 
"progress out of the cave onto the sun" .
Ernst Gombrich author of a book that accompanied an exhibition at the National Gallery in 1998
"The depiction of cast shadows in western art " states that 
p67 "shadows often seem to have something primitive about them appealing to primal fears "
 in the Golden Bough 1922 James Fraser saw the shadow as the soul.
There were references to Peter Pan whose shadow was cut off by the window shutting , children playing shadow games as well as  a fascinating collection of articles and references around the subjet os shadows . 

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