Friday 26 October 2007

People Places and things Art and the Public Sphere

RANE (Research into Art Nature and Environment ) lecture 23/10/07
Reiko Goto and Tim Collins discussed their work "Can we make art that aids the emancipation of others ?"
they talked about the projects they have done including
Tims projects feature water cleaning up great stretches of rivers and streams through art projects involving communities , Reiko's animals and plants ""By contemplating nature I seek to renew my own identity".
They are currently based in england . Tim is a highly articulate advocate of humans taking responsibility for the demise of the planet and working together as groups to solve ploblems . I was fortunate enough to join the MA Contemporary Art Practice group for a half day workshop with Tim and Reiko exploring People Places and Things ans discussing the potential / devising group projects to protect the things dear to our hearts like the ocean . "The demise of the commons " common ground / water that no-one owns so what do we do we dump in it and yet water is an essential to all of life . If I learned one thing it is to avoid any kind of un-biodegradable packaging when shopping as most of it ends up in the sea and is not only damaging sea life but polluting the very water that we drink !!
Thank you Tim and Reiko

Next RANE lecture 19th November ,Woodlane ,Fisher Watts for any of you who are interested in environmental issues .

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