Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Overprinting , print and digital print

I have been working on photoshop and the step and repeat to create fabric designs that I can use for upholstery or cushions and having had them digitally printed was unsure of some of the designs.The robin one is very robin dominated and some of the others worked well on paper (as seen on the board on my desk) but when it came to fabric I think I either had some of the colours wrong ie they were incompatible with the digital process (something I have now learned to check )or the scale or the repeat drop was not quite right .I therefore felt able to experiment and manually overprinted them with a simple brach design that I have been using to create other pieces (and to make new ties for the Manchester Crafts Centre) which integrates and adds to the design.Although I still have a long way to go with this I feel it is beginning to work .

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