Tuesday 30 September 2008

London Design Festival 2008

London Design Festival 13th to 23rd September
A visit ( for a 3 days )to the Festival included the Design Museum where I saw Jethro’s wall of collections , the Oxo Tower to see textile designers , TENT and 100% Design which revealed these inspirational lighting solutions.

Poster Lamp
by Rachel Hevicon
The Poster Lamp is a campaign poster, designed for Energy saving Day, in a bid to encourage people to switch to energy saving light bulbs. By following the instructions and folding it in to shape, the poster is transformed into a heat reactive lampshade. The heat emitted by an incandescent light bulb will cause the pattern to gradually fade away and disappear, whereas those who choose to use an energy saving bulb will be rewarded with a lasting decorative pattern.
New for 100 % Design a light by Susan Bradley of “Outdoor wallpaper “ fame again in birch ply but this time horizontal rather than vertical.
Susan had her own stand and then this light in the Lighten Up stand.

Cascade by Michelle Brand
(Made from the bottoms of plastic bottles .)
Michelle was on the Setting Up Scheme with me in Manchester and has been pushing her li the last 5 years and is now finally getting feedback and recognition. A reality check on how long it takes and how determined you have to be
In the design world. I love her Cascade design and it was great to catch up and talk design.

Buttoned up by Kate Goldsworthy
All of these and more were being promoted by (re)design.
Lighten Up is an illuminating exploration of 64 switched-on domestic lighting solutions from the UK.
The quest for sustainability is driving the evolution of new technologies, aesthetics, materials and interactions. Shedding light on the stories behind the products, Lighten Up offers insight and inspiration for the next generation of lighting.by [re]design
www.redesigndesign.org who organized this event and are looking for people to join them. A good way to expose my lighting design next year perhaps.

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