Friday, 23 November 2007


Referencing back to previous work and how images and themes recur I am drawn at the moment back to sillouettes of trees and tree canopies . Whilst collecting images for my work on Chorlton EES this year I also collected photos of the shadows cast on treetrunks , previously at the National Wildflower Centre photos of shadows from plants growing in crevices on the rooftop walk . Image far left shows "Passionflower " flags usually displayed in an installation restricted to glass cases but casting interesting shadows . I had thought at the time that this reflected the demise of the destruction of the rain forest that ultimately al that would be left is the shadow or memory of the plants once abundant . Recurring theme developing in my work is endangered species and the impact of human activity on the natural world alongside raising the awareness of how dependent we are upon nature.

1 comment:

Miss Ridout said...

hi rowena
still enjoying the possibilities that might be available to you with the 'shadows' theme. a rather favourite subject of my own! have a look at 'cabinet' issue 24: 'shadows', for further inspiration. it's not so much about the natural side of it, but i think it might give you some different takes on the same theme.

also possibly worth checking is 'shadows: unlocking their secrets, from plato to our time' by roberto casati, pub. vintage, isbn0-375-70711-5. it's more scientific and historical, examining the folklore, superstition and physics side of the subject. i've got a copy and can bring it in for you to have a look at if you need me to.

also: do let me know how much i owe you for that book...