On the 7th 0f May in the middle of essay writing and workshops I moved from the Lizard to a beautiful barn conversion and have realised how true my own research is ie the impact of ones suroundings .In the Poetics of SpaceBachelard puts forward the premise that
“The house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace “
Through my work I aim to put beauty, and a sense of magic into interiors and agree with the now well-known principle that William Morris proposed in his 1870s lectures on Design Theory:
“ Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”(Logan 2001:56)
Decorating the domestic interior establishes the home as:
“A site of physical and psychic comfort and “fosters aesthetic experience in daily life.” (Logan T 2001:76)
I include these three quotes from my critical review with this in mind . Although I am very grateful for living at Mawgan as I would not have discovered my tree design or experienced those wonderful inspiring drives home along beech lined roads I had not realised how thoroughly unsuitable the actual cottage was and how much not having ones own "stuff " around affects you . The cottage was cramped, damp and on three levels , dark cold and had no landline and for the bulk of the time there no access to the internet and the landlord and landlady unpredictable .
Unwrapping my treasures was like Christmas over again , being able to begin to make a home with my own private garden in
clean spacious surroundings the place I am now renting is the place I tried and failed to buy last november . It has been a long hard few months . What the effect of the move will be on my work remains to be seen All I know is I have a strong sense of relief (still surrounded by boxes ).I now have physical and psychic comfort No landline or internet as yet but I am working on it !